Mackneen, The Algerian Goldfinch, as always

Talking about the Goldfinch of Algiers is poetry; consider the Algerian songwriter and singer El Badji, El Ankiss, El hadj El Anka; when you listen to them, you sip each word directly from their mouth, like a drop of nectar, then a warm sensation coming from deepest in your heart, immersing your feelings and a longing for some remote place seizes the moment, memories speak, and a nostalgia for an epoch at reach of hands.Then, your memory drifts away, to a review of the Old Masters of the Chaabi repertoire of songs and concerts that lasted till dawn, there you get the Algerian blues, where every singer had compiled a song, to cherish the Mackneen,  chirping in his own way. To the way of life of those people, to their style of savoir-vivre, a chock full of simplicity and tenderness, you wonder then, when they came to live, like and love with a refinement, to elevate a chimeric love desire for a woman to the point of a muse, a bird, and freedom.
The kasbah, for them it’s home, it’s like a cage for a bird, the may leave it for a while but they can’t be separate from it for long that they soon linger to return home
Recently I came across of “El Gosto” video, the Chaabi musicians of the 50’s, and their story with the young lady that concurred to make their dream comes true. That reminds me of some aficionado I had seen so many of them, those who left the cage of their bird wide opened, after years of having them caged, some of the birds gone, and some returned to its cage, to visit the master perhaps who din’t worry to much for their absence, but happy to hear them singing again…
_A tribute for those masters of Chaabi, Mellouf, and Haouzi heritage

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